Sunday 21 August 2011

Working on the goals I would like to achieve

So last night I sat down and worked out what my short and long term goals will be.
Ideally by the time I have done the 12 week program I would like to have shed 12 kilos.
I think working on 1 kilo a week is good for me at this stage.
I also have some fitness goals, I would like to be able to walk 5kms without it being painful to breath. I would like to have introduced short runs into my walk of 5kms.
I think these goals are totally attainable if I put my heart and soul into the program.

My goal for 12 months time is to have lost 50 kilos. This will take me to my total end goal and should put me within a healthy weight range.
I would also like to be walking 10kms with longer runs by this time as well.

I am going to break my total goal down into blocks of 5 kilos. I am going to reward myself at each 5 kilo goal reached with things like facials, massages etc.

I still need to work on task 2 which is about excuses. I am finding this task really confronting. I need to just get everything out on the table and be accountable for it. I need to get rid of the excuses and be totally honest with myself. I can't move forward with this journey whilst I am using these excuses.

The program starts on 12th September and I need to have worked this all out by then. I am going to have all this down in writing and I am going to give my list of excuses to my husband. I want him to pull me up when I use an excuse.

Even though the program starts in 3 weeks, I am trying to make healthier choices. This week will be a challenge. Tonight I am out for Thai and Wednesday I am out for Mexican. This is quite unusual for me as I don't normally go out socialising during the week, these two things have popped up and so I will just have to try my absolute best to make healthy choices. I am thinking tonight I will have a soup and a thai beef salad. I will have to check out the menu for dinner on Wednesday night as I haven't eaten at this particular restaurant before and I want to be prepared.

Okay off to have a look at my excuses and wys to overcome them.


So it begins!

A little bit about myself:
My name is Kerry, I am married to a wonderful man named Daniel and we have three gorgeous kiddies together.
Charlotte is 4, Annabel is 2 and Alasdair is 2 months.
Our little family is totally and utterly complete.
We live in Sydney about 20 minutes out of the city, we love our lives here and are really happy with our lives as a whole in general.

I have a few issues that I am trying to overcome with my weight, health and appearance.
I have lived with these issues for most of my life and realise now that it is time for me to reclaim my life back. I need to be a good role model for my children and I need to start with these issues first.
Whilst I have no obvious health issues, I get very out of breath fast and am getting pain in my back a lot now. I need to get on top of these before they get any worse and I need to make sure that I get no other health issues. I need to be totally healthy to be there for my babies.

I have tried many many things to get on top of my weight and most work in the beginning but I always seem to relapse, I get over trying to think of new exciting healthy foods to make etc. I am hoping that with this program the meal plans will get me inspired and will take some of the hard work deciding what to cook  away from me.

I am looking forward to having exercise plans to follow and have also addressed some of the issues that I had making up excuses not to be active and exercising.
I have recently acquired a treadmill so that I can walk in the house whilst looking after my children, this can now be done rain, hail or shine. I have also purchased the Michelle Bridges DVD's so that I can mix my workouts up.
I have got myself a heart rate monitor watch that will keep an eye on my heart rate and will also count the calories that I am burning during my workouts, hopefully seeing the calories being burnt will be a huge motivation for me to keep going.

I have started to buy lots of extra fresh fruit and vegetables so that if I want a snack I have lots of healthy options to choose from. This is going to be so much better for myself and my family, for my little girls that like to have snacks during the day there are good nutritional options and for my son whom I am breastfeeding, fueling my body better is going to be so good for him.

I have a target of hitting at least 2 litres of water a day, I will no longer be purchasing any other drink options. The choice is water, water, water or water. I need to drink better, water is not only better for me it helps with my milk supply for Alasdair.

Better head off for now, my children need bathing and to get ready for bed.
Will be back tomorrow to address my next 2 tasks.
